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Frequently Asked Questions

When Can I Have Sex Again?

When it comes to wound healing, you can’t fool “mother nature.” After labiaplasty (or any cosmetic surgery for that matter) with optimum healing it takes at least 6 weeks to reach the 90% point of the end result and up to a year to see the final result. Despite claims of other plastic surgeons and Continue Reading

Painful Scars After Labiaplasty—What Should I Do?

Some women who I’ve seen in referral after having labiaplasty by another physician using an edge-trim technique have complained of painful scars which have deterred them from resuming comfortable relations. The edge-trim technique places a scar along the entire leading edge of the labia minora which can be tender as nerves regenerate. That is why Continue Reading

When Can I Have Labiaplasty Revision Surgery?

Female intimate surgery can be a complex surgery, and in order to reach your ideal outcome, it is crucial you seek a qualified plastic surgeon who is experienced at performing the procedure. With over 20 years of experience performing labiaplasty, Dr. Steven Yarinsky is considered a leading plastic surgeon in the specialty. In addition to Continue Reading

Can My Period Affect the Healing Process?

Considering the intimate nature of labiaplasty, many patients have unique concerns related to healing after the surgery. From suture removal to scar visibility, Dr. Steven Yarinsky has heard a wide variety of questions from his patients. In addition to addressing every concern they have, our board-certified plastic surgeon also offers his expertise by answering questions Continue Reading

Can I Get a “Perfect Vagina”?

As with any cosmetic procedure, Dr. Steven Yarinsky stresses the importance of having realistic expectations with the outcome of labiaplasty. While patients can often achieve their desired results, he notes that women should maintain a practical outlook on what is attainable with their procedure. At Saratoga Springs Plastic Surgery, Dr. Yarinsky helps patients understand what Continue Reading

How Can I Avoid Having Too Much Skin Removed?

A common reason why many women seek female intimate surgery is to decrease the size of their labia minora(the inner lips) for functional and/or aesthetic reasons. While the details of each labiaplasty will vary based on the woman’s unique needs, a major concern that Dr. Steven Yarinsky addresses in the consultation is how the patient Continue Reading
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